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¡Hola ganchilleras soy Majovel y este es mi blog de crochet y ganchillo! Aquí encontrareis muchas manualidades, ¡Todas hechas a mano por ustedes! ¡Todas DIY! ¡Muy fácil, sencillo y rápido! ¡Explicado paso a paso! ¡Para principiantes y avanzados! Ademas de muchos consejos y tips crocheteros. Aquí encontrareis mis patrones, tutoriales y videos¡Todo lo que podáis imaginar y para toda la familia!
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Crochet hat and scarf very easy set DIY
Crochet hat and scarf very easy set DIY
Today I bring you the written tutorial of the crocheted or crocheted red woolen cap that you liked so much. It is very easy to do, although it does not seem like it only has two laps to the point. It's a step-by-step quickie. When it is handmade, you really appreciate the woolen garments. to check the measurements click on the following here, is in spanish but the charts are realy easy to understand.
150 gr of red
wool 4 mm
Hook no. 3.5
Pom pom
The stitch is multiplo of 10
Start with 100 chains
Join the chain with slip stitch
1 Round- 3 chains ,1
double crochet in each chain . Continue sequence until the end of the round.
Finish round with slip stitch
2 Round - 3 chains ,
1 front post double crochet. 2 back post double crochet, 2 front post double
crochet. Continue sequence until the end of the round. Finish round with slip
3 Round- Repeat round 2
4 round- Repeat round 2
5 Round- Repeat round 2
Worked for 5 rounds
round stitch- 4
chains, 2 triple crochet in the same stitch, 1 chain , skip 4
stitch, In
the 5 make 1 single crochet ,1 chain, skip 4
stitch, In 5 we make ... 3 triple crochet in the same stitch, 3 chains, 3
triple crochet in the same stitch
Continue sequence until the end of the round.
Finish round with slip stitch
Round stitch - 4
chains ,1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple
crochet without finishing, skip to the next fan, 1 front post triple crochet
without finishing, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple
crochet without finishing, We put the 6 together, 5 chains , 1 single
crochet in the middle of the fan, 5 chains, 1 front post triple crochet without
finishing, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple
crochet without finishing, skip to the next fan, 1 front post triple crochet
without finishing, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post
triple crochet without finishing, We put the 6 together, 5 chains
Continue sequence until the end of the
Finish round
with slip stitch
Round stitch –
Same as round 1
Round stitch-
Same as round 2
We work until we reach the desired length
I have worked for
20 centimeters or 7.8 inches
We finished
in the fan round
We are going to close the hat
4chains ,1
front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple crochet
without finishing, skip
to the next fan, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post
triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing,
We put the 6 together, 2 chains , 1 single crochet in the middle of the fan,
2 chains, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple
crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, skip
to the next fan, 1 front post triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post
triple crochet without finishing, 1 front post triple crochet without
finishing, We put the 6 together, 2 chains
Continue sequence until the end of
the round
Finish round with slip stitch
The next round we make two single crochet together
We cut the wool and just closed with a needle
The neck is the same as the cap.
Only that I made only two rounds
of the beginning
And it carries 110 chains
I have worked for 20 centimeters
or 7.8 inches
And I finished it with a round of double crochet
We finished the neck with an elastic stitch
And that's how the hat and neck looks
like I hope you liked it. Thank you very much
©copyright.This pattern is my property Majovel crochet you can not sell it or share it on the network. Is subject to copyright laws
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Lindo abrigo a crochet y ganchillo
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How do u make a regular rectangle scarf in this pattern not joined together