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¡Hola ganchilleras soy Majovel y este es mi blog de crochet y ganchillo! Aquí encontrareis muchas manualidades, ¡Todas hechas a mano por ustedes! ¡Todas DIY! ¡Muy fácil, sencillo y rápido! ¡Explicado paso a paso! ¡Para principiantes y avanzados! Ademas de muchos consejos y tips crocheteros. Aquí encontrareis mis patrones, tutoriales y videos¡Todo lo que podáis imaginar y para toda la familia!
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Crochet girl dress very easy
Hello everyone ! Here again in this blog that Google has hidden me. I bring you the crochet pink girl dress pattern that is so easy and quick to make that I went up a few months ago on my majovel crochet English channel on Youtube. And how much you liked it. . Here I leave the crochet pattern and the video. It is a step by step very easy to do. As you know everything that is handmade is much more appreciated.
Measures worked with 3mm thread and
hook 3 mm
1 year
- 100 chains
years- 110 chains
years - 120 chains
years -130 chains
We start with a chain of 100 chains: we join
one end with the other with a slip stitch .
1 Round -
4 chains , skip 1 chain and in the next , 1 double crochet,1 chain, skip 1
chain and in the next , 1 double crochet,
Continue sequence until the end of the round.
Finish round with slip stitch in the 3rd chain
of the start.
2 Round -
this round will be increased.
3 chains 2 double crochet (where we have done
the chain point in the previous round) 1 double crochet (where is the double
crochet of the previous round).
Continue sequence until the end of the round.
Finish round with slip stitch in the 3rd chain
of the start.
- same as
round 1
3 Round -
4 chains , skip 1 chain and in the next , 1 double crochet,1 chain, skip 1
chain and in the next , 1 double crochet,
Continue sequence until the end of the round.
Finish round with slip stitch in the 3rd chain
of the start.
4 Round - 3 chains. 2 double crochet (where we have done the chain in the previous
round) 1 double crochet (where is the double
crochet in the previous round) 1 double crochet (where we have done the chain in the previous
round) 1 double crochet (where is the
double crochet in the previous round).
Continue sequence until the end of the round.
Finish round with slip stitch in the 3rd chain
of the start.
5 Round - same
as round 1
6Round – 3 chains . 1 double crochet in each stitch
7 Round - same
as round 1
8 Round - same
as round 6
9 Round - same
as round 1
Once we have the neck, we count the squares we have.
If you have started with 100 chains, you will
have more or less 94 squares. But if you have more we divide them in the same
We dividate in 4 parts. Sleeves, front, back.
22 and 22 sleeves (we place a marker).
25 and 25 front and back (we put a marker).
Remember although you have more points or less
points divide in 4 equal parts and remove 3 square to the sleeves and add it to
the front and back.
1 round we are positioning within the square 4 chains. 5 triple crochet in the same square. 1 chain in the
next square,1 single crochet
1 chain, in the next
square, 6 triple crochet (in the same square).
When you arrive at the 1st marker skip the 22
square of the sleeve. We continue the same sequence throughout the front until
we arrive to the next marker and return to skip the 22 square of the sleeves.Continue
the sequence until the end of the return.
return with slip stitch in the 4th chain of the start
round. we position with slip stitch in the 1st triple crochet.
4 chains, 2 back post triple crochet, 2 chains,
3 back post triple crochet . Skip to the next fan . 3 back post triple
crochet , 2 chains, 3 back post triple crochet . Repeat
the sequence until the end of the return
return with slip stitch in the 4th chain of the start
3 round - it
will be the same as the round 1st. 1 chain and we are positioning in the center
of the fan of the previous round.
6 triple crochet in the center of the fan of
the previous return, 1 chain, 1 single crochet between fan and fan. 1chain.
We will close the round with slip stitch at the
point of the start chain.
We work as long as we want.
Until here the tutorial i hope that you have
Thank you for buying it
©copyright.This pattern is my
property Majovel crochet you can not
sell it or share it on the network. Is subject to copyright laws
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En español
ResponderEliminarAquí tiene https://www.majovelcrochet.com/2017/12/vestido-rosa-muy-facil-y-rapido.html
ResponderEliminarGostaria de saber se é lã ou linha de algodão e para qual idade essa medida